This may seem a weird question for those that are not familiar with SFMC SQL Query Activities because they do not realize the crazy amount of different ways you can use different functions to accomplish the same end result table segmentation. Now, just because the end result is identical, this does not mean that each […]
API / Data Extensions / SFMC / SSJS / WSProxy April 15, 2021
A common request I hear is the need for a quick reference place for the data extensions inside of a specific account as well as the details pertaining to them. Without the API, gathering this information can be a major pain in the butt. My previous solution was great, but over time it has become […]
As a follow up to my HowToSFMC article on creating a simple authorization endpoint inside SFMC, I wanted to provide a ‘use-case’ for this endpoint. This article provides educational information and examples and is not intended to be a final product nor are there any guarantees or assumptions made from this information. A big complaint […]
Have you ever run across a one to many relationship that you need to have listed fully in a single field? You are not in the minority. There are tons of places, especially is something like an MDM that requires this type of data storage. The issue is, how do you do this inside of […]
API / Data Extensions / SFMC / SSJS / WSProxy December 6, 2019
I have created a more modernized version of this in a different article. I left this article here as a reference should anyone want to take other aspects of it that may not be in the new version. I would highly recommend using the new version I created instead of this one though. A common […]